
Nurturing Newborns

This program assists parents of infants, newborn to six months of age, with once weekly child care in their home to help overwhelmed parents without support to rest, assist new parents to learn and build their skills, and allow isolated parents to connect to community resources.

When a family finds themselves with a newborn infant, and sometimes more than one newborn infant, they can feel overwhelmed, particularly if they are isolated and without a natural support system. Families can refer themselves to this program by calling the Children’s Cottage Intake line, where a brief screening is completed.

Families accepted into the program are connected to a Nurturing Newborns care provider who will come to their home typically once a week for three to four hours and provide care for their infant while the parent gets rest, attends to self-care, goes to appointments, or spends time with an older child who is needing attention. Workers bring volunteers to assist when the care is for twins or triplets.

Program staff also provide information and support to new parents with questions and concerns about their new infants, teach them about child development and milestones, and help them build their skills and confidence as a parent.
Information about community resources and referrals are provided as needed, and may become part of the transition support plan when families graduate from the program.
