

Volunteers play a vital role in the day-to-day operation of Children’s Cottage Society.
As a volunteer for the Cottage you will work alongside staff and other volunteers. Whether you are an individual wishing to provide a few hours of meaningful volunteer work, or a corporate group looking for a great team building opportunity, our volunteers help support all of our programs at the Cottage.

Family Shelter - Brenda's House

Where you will support families experiencing homelessness by helping with childcare, leading family activities, assisting with programs, or preparing meals.

Crisis Nursery

Where you will help to make a difference in a child's life supporting duties such as childcare, playtime, sorting clothes donations, cleaning toys, baking treats, or helping to prepare nutritious meals.

In-Home Infant Respite Program

Where you can assist parents of newborn infants (up to six months) by providing home-visits for much needed respite.

Special Events

Where you can help at special events during the year such as Clays for the Cottage.

To apply for Volunteer opportunities, please complete one of the following forms:

For information on Volunteering at the Cottage please contact:
Paula Bannerman – Manager, Volunteer Programs

P: 403-233-2680, Ext. 2109 | E:  

Are you a Practicum student and interested in a practicum placement, please see our Careers page.

I was asked why our group (Enmax-GEOARM) keeps coming back to volunteer with the Children's Cottage. We started three years ago with an opportunity to give back to the community by replacing the sand in the sand box and doing some touch up paint jobs, and have continued by putting up Christmas lights, kitchen prep, and helping set up the gorgeous new building . Knowing that our little contribution to a great organization that helps put smiles on faces of kids going through a tough time in their young lives is a heart warming experience. Thank you to the Children’s Cottage for allowing us to be a small part in the happiness of the children and families in our community. The new facility is fantastic and I know it will allow you to do even more great things in the community.


To learn more about what to expect check out our FAQs

What do volunteers have to say

I have fun with the kids. The more mature answer is because the organization provides a critical service by offering a safe environment for children, and I have a strong belief in the need for this service. My goal as a volunteer is to provide a positive and fun experience for the kids, and my hope is that they do have fun and that they get to feel cared for and special. More selfishly, the big reward back to me is that I get to do fun things (like go to the park and act silly) to prolong my own childhood.
We all truly have more to give then we do. If I could go back in time I would have started at the cottage sooner. I feel privileged and proud to be a part of a society that provides a safe warm and loving environment for our kids. In a world of chaos the most innocent people are the little people in our world the most important job we have is to provide them with unconditional love, a full belly, a smile on their heart, a safe place to lay their head at night and a welcoming home to play with their friends in. In the cottage we play together, we eat together, we laugh together, we read books together, we brush our teeth together , together we are ONE, we are friends. If I had the power to open the eyes of everyone around us to show them that they too can give back our kids need it more then we do. Every time I leave the cottage my heart is full.
I am excited about coming back. I grew up in a single parent home and I know my Mom could have used a place like the Crisis Nursery in her life, so it’s really meaningful to me to help out there