Crisis Nursery
72-HOUR CARE FOR CHILDREN DURING FAMILY CRISISFamilies who are experiencing a crisis or difficulty can call the Intake line at the Child & Family Centre and request care for up to 3 days in the Nursery for their children aged nine or younger.
Parents call for a variety of reasons, for example they may be experiencing a health concern in the family, be in an unsafe situation, without housing, or exhausted and in need of rest. Families are brought in according to urgency and severity of need, depending on the availability of space. Families who can’t access space immediately are invited to stay connected and are supported to access the Nursery as soon as space allows. Other support services are offered where applicable to help families in the interim.
Children who stay at the nursery are provided with nutritious meals, clothing, diapers, formula, and toys. Children participate in play-based activities that support healthy development. Children receive developmental screening to identify support needs and where indicated, the family is connected to ongoing services to address any lags that are present as early as possible.
Parents receive solution focused support to help resolve the issue that brought them to the Crisis Nursery, where applicable. Every family who accesses the Nursery is introduced to the Family Support programs offered by the Cottage that can help build their parenting capacity, support the healthy development of their children, strengthen their family’s resilience, and make connections to community resources and services relevant to the family’s unique needs.
- Feeling so stressed that parenting feels impossible
- Exhausted by your child’s behaviour
- Experiencing a sudden illness or hospitalization
- Homeless or have financial difficulties
- Feeling alone, sad, tired or overwhelmed
- Afraid that you may hurt your child
- Experiencing marital conflict
Our family support worker will ask about your specific needs and family situation, and work with you to determine which service best suits your needs. They will ask for your address, your children's names and birth dates, and information about allergies, special needs, or prescribed medications.
There is no cost for using the Crisis Nursery.
- Transport your child to and from the Nursery
Provide your child’s Alberta Health Care number
Supply any medication your child requires in the clearly labeled original container.