
Home Visitation

Prevention and early intervention
The Home Visitation program offers parents of children, newborns to age six, weekly home visits with an experienced family support worker (Home Visitor) who can help them build on their strengths, develop their parenting knowledge and skills, increase their understanding of child development, and connect them to community resources and services relevant to their unique family needs.
Families can request Home Visitation services by contacting the Family Resource Network for their community.

Home Visitors typically meet weekly with each family and build parenting skills using the Nurturing Parenting curriculum. Parents are encouraged to strengthen their natural network of support.

Home Visitors use the Ages and Stages screening tool to help identify any area of concern related to their child’s development. When lags are noted, the Home Visitor provides parents with activities that promote development in specific areas, and connects families to professionals when additional support is needed.

All families who participate in the Home Visitation program are provided with information about and referrals to other community programs. These services and resources can then provide ongoing support once a family graduates.